
DE sign:
(Deconstructing in-order to find new meanings)

A blogging space about my personal interests; was made during training in Stockholm #Young Leaders Visitors Program #Ylvp08 it developed into a social bookmarking blog.

I studied #Architecture; interested in #Design #Art #Education #Urban Design #Digital-media #social-media #Inhabited-Environments #Contemporary-Cultures #experimentation #networking #sustainability & more =)

Please Enjoy, feedback recommended.

p.s. sharing is usually out of interest not Blind praise.
This is neither sacred nor political.

Showing posts with label #COMPETITION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #COMPETITION. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1

She Entrepuneures 2016

Leadership Programmes ::: Swedish Institute ::: She Entrepreneurs 2016

"She Entrepreneurs is a leadership programme for young emerging women social entrepreneurs in the Middle East, North Africa and Sweden. The programme aims to give the participants innovative tools for sustainable change while seeking to create an active network of women changemakers.

She Entrepreneurs runs for one year, with participants meeting for ten days in Sweden and one week in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. In between the modules, the participants work on their own initiative locally, coached by group mentors over digital platforms.
The participants are social entrepreneurs from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Palestine, Yemen and Sweden who address social challenges and strive for positive social change through initiatives based on entrepreneurial principles. During the programme participants are provided with inspiration, knowledge and tools to develop a business idea for sustainable change that they have already started working on in their country or region. Through the programme, participants are also offered the opportunity to meet leading social and business entrepreneurs as well as become a part of an active network of women social entrepreneurs that supports personal and professional development.
The call for applications for She Entrepreneurs 2016 is currently open! The deadline for applying is 8 October 2015 at midnight (Central European Time Zone). "
She Entrepreneurs 2011 from Swedish Institute on Vimeo.






7 essential MOOCs for budding social entrepreneurs


Starting a business to make the world a better place is a worthy and even fashionable idea. But what does creating a social enterprise really entail, and what skills should you have under your belt before you jump in?
Aspiring social entrepreneurs can find comfort and knowledge in MOOCs, or massive open online courses. Platforms such as Coursera, Udacity and Udemy feature a number of low-cost classes taught by expert faculty in socent and related fields.
From using social media for social good to HTML programming geared specifically toward entrepreneurs, here are seven MOOCs you should look into before launching a socially conscious company.

1. Social Entrepreneurship: A Crash Course

Platform: Udemy
Price: $25
This MOOC is perfect for beginners looking to dip their toes into the social enterprise space. Taught by Jessica Lax, content developer for social impact at School for Change, Social Entrepreneurship: A Crash Course covers five essential topics: hybrid organizations, earned revenue, impact capital, impact measurement and human-centered design.
You can work at your own pace through more than an hour of video content and slides.

2. Social Media for Social Change

Platform: Udemy
Price: $19
Whether or not your social enterprise idea deals directly with social media, maintaining an online presence is imperative for any business worth its salt. This course addresses key social media strategies for social change, and covers examples of successful campaigns.
The MOOC was designed specifically as a skills-building tool for social entrepreneurs "to address old issues with new tactics for increased results."

3. Programming for Entrepreneurs

Platform: Udemy
Price: Free
Basic coding is a skill everyone needs to have — even schools across the world are adopting it into their curricula. Whether you're looking to build a simple website for your social enterprise or you just want a better understanding of development as it pertains to business, this is the MOOC for you.
Programming for Entrepreneurs teaches rudimentary HTML and CSS programming languages and development concepts, so you can walk away with tangible, interactive prototypes of your business idea. There are 28 lectures, with more than two hours of content.

4. How to Change the World

Platform: Coursera
Price: Free
This MOOC focuses on creative ideas from well-known entrepreneurs, writers, academics and political leaders to discuss how innovation and technology can address the world's most pressing issues. Despite the audacious title, the class hones in on specific units: Poverty and Philanthropy; Climate Change and Sustainability; Women, Education and Social Change; and Social Networks, Education and Activism.
As of this writing, the class is in the middle of its current course of study (until Dec. 29), but you can join the watchlist to see when the next session will take place.
Disclosure: How to Change the World was developed between Wesleyan University and the 92Y, in conjunction with Mashable's Social Good Summit in 2013.

5. How to Build a Startup

Platform: Udacity
Price: Free
Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Blank, who also teaches at Stanford, UC Berkeley and Columbia, instructs this course on the key steps needed to build a startup. The focus of the MOOC is the needs of the customer — the product, how to deliver it and how to engage your target audience.
While there may not be a specific "customer" for your social enterprise, How to Build a Startup will teach you how to identify key resources, partners, distribution channels and overall costs.
As of this writing, the class is in the middle of its current course of study (until Dec. 29), but you can join the watchlist to see when the next session will take place.

6. Social Entrepreneurship

Platform: Coursera
Price: Free (Open Track)
This MOOC comes to you courtesy of the Social Impact initiative at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. Think of it as the next step after the socent crash course listed above. Wharton's course takes a deeper dive into solution design, concept testing, performance measurement, building for scale and more.
You can choose the free "Open Track," in which assignments are based on real-world examples of social enterprises, or the "Signature Track," in which assignments will relate to the specific social enterprise you'd like to pursue.
As of this writing, the class isn't in session, but you can join the watchlist to see when it starts up again.

7. Foundations of Business Strategy

Platform: Coursera
Price: Free
Strategy is important for any entrepreneur, whether you're creating a nonprofit or for-profit company. The University of Virginia's Foundations of Business Strategy teaches strategic analysis, the impact of competitive markets and how to create value through cases discussions of specific businesses.
The final project has each student select one organization through online forums, using the skills the course has taught him and her to provide a competitive analysis.
The course just wrapped up its most recent session on Nov. 23, but you can join the watchlist to see when the next session takes place.

Saturday, January 18

Wednesday, October 5


شهد العام ٢٠١١ مظاهرات وثورات أفضت إلى إنتخابات حرة في عدة بلدان عربية. 

وكانت تلك ولادة أول موجة من الدول الديمقراطية العربية.
عقب الإنتخابات بدء بعض النشطاء والسياسيين والأحزاب في هذه البلدان بالمطالبة بخطوات تعزز التعاون بينها. وقد كانت مطالب فتح الحدود وإلغاء الجمارك واستحداث عملة موحدة وحرية حركة العمالة من أبرز تلك المطالبات.
واجتمع وزراء الخارجية العرب في تلك البلدان عام ٢٠١٢ نزولا عند رغبة  وضغوط مجموعات الناشطين المختلفة. وخرج الوزراء بإعلان يدعم التعاون بين الديمقراطيات العربية.
لحق اجتماع وزراء الخارجية إجتماع لقادة الدول العربية الديمقراطية في القاهرة أعلنوا فيه عن ولادة (الإتحاد العربي الحر) وهو إتحاد عربي جديد يقوم على مبادئ التعاون الاقتصادي والثقافي والسياسي وفتح الحدود بين الدول الأعضاء.
أعد الإتحاد ميثاق يحفظ لكل دولة سيادتها واستقلاليتها وبنفس الوقت يحقق توافقا عربيا وحدويا ويحدد إطار تعاون على المستوى الإقتصادي والاجتماعي والثقافي وسياسة الحدود المفتوحة بين الديمقراطيات 
المبادئ العامة
يقوم الإتحاد العربي الحر على مبادئ الحرية والديمقراطية والإستقلالية والتقبل لأطياف المجتمعات العربية المختلفة دون تمييز أو تفضيل لشعب على آخر أو إقليم على آخر. ويرحب الإتحاد بعضوية أية دولة عربية يحكمها نظام ديمقراطي يرضى عنه الشعب.
وقد نص البيان الذي صدر عن الإتحاد في أكتوبر ٢٠١٣ على مبادئ كانت الشعوب تطالب فيها السنة الفائتة. والمقتطافات التالية هي من بنوده:
١- تعزيز الديمقراطية في دول الإتحاد عن طريق إطلاق نظام إنتخابي موحد للمجالس البرلمانية يقوم على مبدأ توسيع رقعة التمثيل الشعبي.
٢- حرية التنقل بين بلدان الإتحاد دون الحاجة الى تأشيرات سفر.
٣- إيجاد عملة موحدة.
٤- توحيد التعرفات العامة ونظام الضرائب.
٥- إحترام الحرية الفردية في التعبير العام سواء أكان سياسيا أم اجتماعيا أم اقتصاديا.
٦- تشجيع المشاركة الشعبية في الحياة المدنية والسياسية وخلق أماكن تجمعات حيوية في المدن الرئيسية لتكون منابر حرة للشعب.
تفاصيل المسابقة
يحتاج الإتحاد الآن إلى هوية بصرية مؤسسية.
لغاية ترسيخ فكر ومبادئ الإتحاد في وجدان الناس وإضافة رمز بصري جديد، قرر الإتحاد تطوير إستراتيجية كاملة للهوية البصرية المؤسسية له. تأتي أهمية هذه الهوية في توفير وسائل الاتصال الأساسية بما في ذلك العلم والشعار والألوان، ومواد العرض لإستخدامها في مجالات عدة من مؤتمرات الإتحاد إلى ترويج الثقافة والسياحة في الدول الأعضاء. لقد قام مكتب الاتصال بإعداد موجز لمهمة تصميم الهوية البصرية المؤسسية للإتحاد ليجد الفريق التصميمي المناسب.
هل أنت المصمم الذي يجب أن يستعين به الإتحاد؟
يدعوكم موقع تصميم عربي إلى الاستجابة لهذا التحدي الذي يهدف إلى تشجيع التفكير بقضايا العالم العربي الجديدة من منطلق تصميمي وإبداعي.
يمكنك المساعدة في تطوير هوية فعالة وعلامة جديدة وحيوية تتصل بالعالم العربي عن طريق إعداد متطلبات التصميم المذكورة في الموجز التصميمي على النحو التالي:
متطلبات اجبارية
١-  تصميم علم الاتحاد بحيث يعبر عن هوية ومبادئ شعوب الدول الاعضاء. أطلق العنان لخيالك وارنا هذا العلم يرفرف على سارية في شوارع أحد العواصم للدول المشاركة – صورة مونتاج.
٢- تصميم شعار حفل إطلاق الاتحاد والحملة الاعلانية.
٣- عملة موحدة (ورقية ومعدنية) أو طوابع بريدية موحدة.
٤- الصفحة الرئيسية للموقع الالكتروني للاتحاد وتطبيق للهواتف الذكية
متطلبات اختيارية
ابتدأ الاتحاد بالعمل على ثلاثة مشاريع هامة وعليكم كمصممين إختيار واحداً منها على الأقل للعمل عليه (مع المتطلبات العامة المذكورة أعلاه):
١- شعار إتحاد النقل الذي يخدم جميع هذه الدول بباصات وقطارات سريعة  بالاضافة لتطبيقات إستعماله على لوحات الاستعلام عن مواعيد المغادرة والوصول والبطاقات الذكية.
٢- شعار المهرجان السنوي الثقافي.
٣- كتيب ترويج سياحي.
يترك المجال للمشاركين لإقتراح أية مواد أخرى لتقديمها للمشاركة.
تعليمات التقديم

- هذه المسابقة مفتوحة للمصممين الأفراد ولمكاتب الدعايات والاعلان ولدور التصميم من كافة أنحاء العالم.
- يحقق للمشاركين أن يتقدموا بأكثر من تصميم على أن يلبوا جميع المتطلبات.
- تقدم التصاميم المشاركة على شكل ملف PDF واحد لا يتجاوز حجمه MB 20. إذا اقتضت الحاجة إلى إرسال ملف أكبر من هذا الحجم، فيجب إرساله على أجزاء.
- ورقة تشرح الفلسفة التصميمية في ٥٠٠ كلمة كحد اقصى.
- ترسل المشاركات على العنوان التالي challenge [at] redesignarabia 
[dot] com
الموعد النهائي للتقديم
 ٥ أكتوبر٢٠١١
سيتم الاعلان لاحقاً عن لجنة التحكيم. سيتم عرض المشاركات على موقعنا الالكتروني وسيفتح المجال للتعليق عليها. ستوخذ نوعية التعليقات الدائرة حاول المشاركات بعين الاعتبار في التحكيم. لن يكون هنالك تصويت على المشاركات.
وسيحكم على المشاركات دون التعريف باصحابها خلال عملية التحكيم. ينبغي عدم ذكر إسم الفرد أو المجموعات المشاركة إلى على صفحة الغلاف ويجب أن ترفق بشكل منفصل عن الطلب.
حقوق الطبع والنشر
سيتم عرض المشاركات الفائزة ومشاركات أخرى منتقاة في أحد المساحات والمعارض الفنية في العاصمة الاردنية، عمان.
يحتفظ تصميم عربي بحقه في نشر جميع المشاركات على الموقع الالكتروني وفي أية وسائل إعلامية أخرى.
 كما يحتفظ تصميم العرب بحق إقامة معرض حول المشاركات المقدمة

In 2011, revolutions and protests led to free elections in several Arab countries. It was the birth of the first wave of new Arab democracies.
After the elections, activists, politicians and political parties in these countries started demanding various measures of cooperation between the new Arab democracies. The opening of their borders, the cancellation of import tariffs between them, a unified currency and the freedom of labor movement where some of the strongest demands put forward.
In 2012, the demands intensified and cross border cooperation between activists emerged. Responding to that, the foreign ministers of the new Arab democracies held a meeting in Cairo to discuss implementing such requests. They came out with a declaration supporting closer cooperation between their countries.
Then, the leaders of the Arab democracies met on the 2nd of March 2013, and announced the birth of the Free Arab Union, a new cooperation body of democratic Arab states based on the principles of freedom, economic and cultural cooperation and open borders.
The Free Arab Union charter was announced. While it kept the independence and sovereignty of its members intact, it aimed at achieving a unified framework for political, economic, social and cultural cooperation among the newly formed democracies.

General Principles
The Free Arab Union is established on the premise of freedom, democracy and independence. It accepts the diversity of Arab societies without discrimination or favoritism for one society over another, or one region over another.
The Union welcomes the membership of any Arab country governed by democratic rule that has gained popular acceptance.
The Union issued the following statement on October 2013, which reflects the principles the citizens were calling for the previous year. The following represents a summary of its main points:
1- Strengthening democracy among members of the Union by launching a unified electoral system for Arab parliaments that expands popular representation of various societal groups.
2- Freedom of movement between member countries without visa requirements.
3- Creation of a single currency.
4- Unification of the general tariffs and taxes.
5- Respect of the right of expression whether on political, social or economic subjects.
6- Encouragement of popular participation in civic and political life and the establishment of vital public spaces in major cities for free public expression.

Challenge Details
The Free Arab Union now needs a visual identity.
In order to embody the principles and philosophy of the Union, it has been decided that a full branding strategy will be developed. The brand will provide the principle communication tools for the Union, including the flag, logo, color schemes, presentation materials for conferences and festivals, and for the promotion of culture and tourism in its member countries. The communications office at the Union has already prepared a design brief and is now scouting for the perfect team to participate in the competition.
Are you the designer they should turn to?
Redesign Arabia invites you to participate in a competition that aims to encourage thinking about the Arab World’s contemporary issues from a design and creative perspective.
You can help develop a vibrant, dynamic and relevant new brand for the Arab World by preparing the design requirements in the following brief:

Mandatory Requirements
1. Design the Union’s flag so that it represents the identity and principles that member countries have adopted. (Set your imagination free, and show us the flag in a photo montage flying on a pole in one of the capitals of a member country)
2. Design the logo of the Union as seen at the launching ceremony and its advertisement campaign.
3. Design its unified currency (paper and coin) or unified postal stamps.
4. Design the homepage of the website of the Union and a smartphone e-government application.

Optional Requirements
The Union has started to work on three major projects. As a designer, you have to choose one of them at least to work on (in addition to the mandatory requirements above).
1. Logo of the Regional Transport Authority (which serves all of the countries by rapid bus and train services) in addition to applications of the logo on information billboards at terminals and smart payment cards.
2. Logo of the annual cultural festival.
3. A tourism handbook.
The floor is open for participants to suggest any other design items they would like to submit.

Submission Instructions
- This competition is open to individual designers, advertisement agencies, media and design firms from all around the world.
- Participants can send multiple entries as long as each fulfills all requirements.
- All entries should be submitted in a single PDF file with a maximum size of 20MB. If the need arises to send an entry with a larger file size, you can split it into multiple files.
- A 500-word (maximum) concept paper must also be attached.
- All entries should be sent to challenge [at] redesignarabia [dot] com

October 5 2011

The jury will be announced at a later stage. Entries will be shared on our website and open to comments. The quality of discussion generated around them will be taken into consideration by the jury. There will be no voting system on entries.
All entries will be judged anonymously. The name of participant(s) should be mentioned on a separate cover letter only.

Printing & Publishing Rights
Winning and select entries will be exhibited in one of the gallery spaces in Amman, Jordan.
Redesign Arabia reserves its right to publish all entries on its website and any other media outlet. Redesign Arabia also reserves its right to exhibit entries.

Monday, September 12

Design competition 2011

People Want is A new International Design competition inspired by the Third World peaceful movements taking place in 2011 is Launched.

:::Information Copied via Face Book Group

We represent a group of young designers who have decided to be part of the uprising freedom movement by using Art Powers to support it. Therefore, we have started this project (People Want) to make sure we are taking a role in such movements.
نحن نمثل مجموعة من المصممين الشباب قررنا البدء بمشروع يدعم الحراك الشعبي القائم لنسخر طاقات الفن لخدمه وتوثيق هذا الحراك كي تكون إعمالنا وأعمال المشاركين جزء لا يتجزأ من الشعوب

image copied via website

  • الشروط
يحق للمصمم أن يشترك بثلاثة ملصقات كحد اقصى , يمكن أن يكون الملصق المشارك منفرد أو عبارة عن سلسلة متواصلة .1

ينطوي موضوع الأعمال تحت عنوان  ) الشعب يريد( .2

3. (RGB) jpg بلاحقة dpi 200  حجم الملصق يجب أن يكون 50سم بـ 70سم , سواء كان أفقي أم عامودي , و الدقة
المشاركة التي لا تحتوي على هذه الصفات سيتم استبعادها , للمصمم الحرية في اختيار التقنية الفنية

يجب تحميل الملفات من خلال موقع المسابقة، كل مصمم سوف يقوم بإنشاء حساب خاص به ثم إضافة المعلومات الشخصية .4 ,
و الموافقة على قواعد المسابقة  www.peoplewantcontest.org

شرح الملصق بما لا يزيد عن ١٠٠ كلمة .5

6.  (RGB) jpg بلاحقة  dpi  يجب على المصمم إرفاق صورة شخصية بقياس 6سم بـ 8 سم بدقة 200

لجنة التحكيم مسؤله عن تقييم الملصقات المتقدمه للمسابقه واختيارالـ 100 عمل الافضل .7

ستقام معارض في عده مدن للاعمال الرابحه .8

سوف يتم طباعة كتاب خاص بالمعرض ونشره، أصحاب الملصقات الفائزة سوف يحصلون على نسخة مجانية من هذا الكتاب .9
ولا يشمل ذلك أجور الشحن

تاريخ بدء استقبال المشاركات  من 25 ايلول 2011 وحتى 4 كانون التاني 2012 .10

أي استفسار أو تعليق يرجى مراسلتنا على الايميل التالي .11  : info@peoplewantcontest.org

12. نود التأكيد على أنه يحظر نشر أي ملصق مشارك على الانترنت ضمن مسابقات منافسة (في الفيسبوك، الخ) حتى أعلان لجنة التحكيم اختيارها للـ 100 ملصق النهائي. أي عمل فني نشر على الانترنت قبل اعلان لجنة التحكيم النتيجه سيتم استبعاده

لا يجوز الانحياز لاي شعار ديني أو سياسي أو طائفي .13

  • الملخص

نحن الشعوب .. نحن كل انسان يبحث عن الحياة..
نحن العامل والمعلم والفلاح والطبيب والأديب والفنان .. نحن المستقبل
نحن جميع الشرائح والأديان والطوائف والمعتقدات .. نحن الايمان
نحن التراب والشجر والجبل والشمس والظل .. نحن الهواء

نحن  مصدر سلطة الحكومات

لنبدأ بالحقائق

- إن إرادة الشعب هي مصدر سلطة الحكومة، ويعبر عن هذه الإرادة بانتخابات نزيهة دورية تجري على أساس الإقتراع السري وعلى قدم المساواة بين الجميع أو حسب أي إجراء مماثل يضمن حرية التصويت. من (الماده 21 حسب الاعلان العام لحقوق الانسان)
في حين اذا القينا نظره الى واقع الحكومات في الشرق الأوسط لوجدناها أنظمة استبدادية يغلب عليها الطابع العائلي .

-نسبة الأمية في الشرق الأوسط هي نحو  30 %  أي ما يعادل  100 مليون فرد حسب إحصائيات منظمة اليونسكو لسنة 2009 م هذه النسبة تدل على وجود عائق أمام نهوض الشرق الأوسط وتحرره من التخلف والفقر والمرض .

-و في ما يخص  فرص العمل  فإرتفاع معدل البطالة إلى 25,6 % وهي النسبة الأعلى بالعالم كافي ليخبر بحالنا .

- ( حريه التعبير )  من اهم بنود الاعلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان و السبب الاساسي في نهوض الأمم فكريا..
(لكل شخص الحق في حرية الرأي والتعبير، ويشمل هذا الحق حرية إعتناق الآراء دون أي تدخل، واستقاء الأنباء والأفكار وتلقيها وإذاعتها بأية وسيلة كانت  دون تقيد بالحدود الجغرافية ،  ( الماده 19 ) و لا يسعنا هنا إحصاء نسبة معتقلي الرأى دون محاكمة في سجون الأنظمه المتسلطة.

لا حقوق  لا تعليم لا حريه  رأي لا فرص عمل متاحه  ..و جميعها حقوق مشروعه وواجبه للشعوب.

أكثر من خمسون عاماً و شعوبنا محكومه بالصمت بالرغم من الظلم والانتهاكات غير الشرعية ... الى ان جاء عام الـ 2011 .. خرجت الشعوب غاضبة مطالبة بالتغيير كاسرةً بخروجها قيود الخوف ، ومطالبة بالحقوق بالرغم من القتل والترهيب من قِبل الحكومات القمعية .

سقط الآلاف من الضحايا الى الآن و السبب الوحيد مطالبتها الشرعيه بحريتها وبالعداله الاجتماعيه .

  • الهدف 

- دعم الحراك الشعبي عبر توثيق هذه المرحله التاريخيه  للشعوب حين خرجت تعبيرا عن ارادتها بالتغيير .
- التأكيد على شرعيه مطالبها  و حراكها السلمي .
- تصوير طاقات الشعوب حين خرجت منتفضة


Tuesday, July 5

INFINITI Digital Art Competition

INFINITI Digital Art Competition

C A L L - F O R - E N T R I E S
Designboom in collaboration with  INFINITI  announces an international competition in digital art. participation is open to to applicants from every country in the world, to professionals, vjs, students, and design-enthusiasts. 

C A L L - F O R - E N T R I E S
designboom in collaboration with INFINITI announces an international competition in digital art. participation is open to to applicants from every country in the world, to professionals, vjs, students, and design-enthusiasts.

more details here:

more details here:

Friday, June 10

Robot Competition

Bambuser Robot Competition
Bambuser Robot Competition

Calling all Bambuser users with a bit of imagination! We were inspired by our friends at Sortedam Ventures who built a "crowd-sourcing" Bambuser robot that can receive remote orders. It looks like they're not the only ones. Check also Give Away Candy that lets you participate from your twitter account.

Do you think you can even do better and want a challenge
Build a Bambuser robot and get the chance to WIN a professional media campaign, and be featured in some of the world's biggest newspapers and TV shows.

To launch the competition Michael from Sortedam Ventures gives us an interview explaining how they built their robot and what you would need. Watch it embedded below, or at

How to participate

Build a Bambuser robot based on Bambuser broadcasting technology (using a smartphone or webcam/DV cam) with crowd-sourced functionality built-in to enable interaction with the audience. To enter the competition a team or individual should:
  1. Create a Bambuser account (if they haven't got one yet)
  2. Broadcast the construction phase and finalized version of the robot using the hashtag #robot. (You can broadcast as many videos as you like)

Competition run time

The competition is running from the 24th of May until the 14th of June 2011.


The video generating the most views and the most appreciation from the Bambuser Crew (based on creativity, engagement and fun) all together, will win a professional media campaign and will be featured in some of the world's biggest newspapers and TV shows.

Competition Terms and Conditions

The competition is running from the 24th of May to the 14th of June 2011 (12:00am GMT). The winners must be aged 18 years or over. This promotion may be conducted over several different websites simultaneously. The broadcast of the robot needs to be publicly available on bambuser.com until at least the 30th of June 2011. Participants can broadcast as many videos as they like to participate, using the hashtag #robot in the broadcast title.

An email will be sent to the winner informing them of their win. Only persons registered with Bambuser are eligible. Prizes must be claimed within 14 days. Unclaimed prizes will be void. Bambuser reserves the right to withdraw this competition at any time. Winner must have a smartphone or web/DV-cam that is capable of live broadcasting. 


Sunday, March 13

ACADIA 2011 > April

The ACADIA 2011 Annual Conference will explore integrative trajectories and areas of overlap that have emerged through computation between design, its allied disciplines of engineering and construction, and other fields, such as computer science, material science, mathematics and biology. The conference will highlight experimental projects in which methods, processes, and techniques are discovered, appropriated, adapted, and altered from elsewhere, and digitally pursued.

The aim of the conference is to project a fundamentally different attitude towards collaboration, one that needs not be limited to the professions and disciplines comprising the building industry. It will do so by featuring the work of designers and researchers who engage design as a broadly integrative endeavor by fluidly navigating across different disciplinary territories, and who deploy algorithmic thinking, biomimicry, computation, digital fabrication, material exploration, and/or performance analyses to discover and create processes, techniques, and products that are qualitatively new. Some take scientific and engineering ideas as starting points of the design investigation. Others are embracing mathematics and geometry as a rich source of ideas for articulating form, pattern, surface and structure in architecture. Many are increasingly looking for inspiration in nature to discover new materials and new material behaviors, which can enable an architecture that can respond dynamically to changing environmental conditions. They all rely on computational techniques for design explorations.

The conference will project integrative design as an emerging trajectory for architecture as it enters a post-digital phase and as it embraces ideas, concepts, processes, techniques, and technologies from elsewhere (just like before only more so).

Full papers can be submitted by April 1 even without the previous abstract submission.

Thursday, December 2

Global Creative Contest

Global Creative Contest

The Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA), a program of TakingItGlobal, is organizing a creative contest for young people (15 to 29 years old) all over the world. The contest is focused on youth perspectives of HIV and AIDS and how this is communicated through creative expression. August 2010 – August 2011 was designated by the UN General Assembly as the International Year of Youth, a time when issues related to young people will be highlighted and prioritized, particularly in the context of the Millennium Development Goals. This key event provides an opportunity to explore themes with youth and capitalize on this focus on young people to bring creative youth voices to the forefront.

GYCA wants to take advantage of this opportunity to highlight issues related to sexual and reproductive health and rights and how they relate to adolescents and young people. 

Contest participants can choose to express:  Why comprehensive sexuality education is important for HIV prevention (CSE) How stigma and discrimination affects young people living with HIV (S&D) What sexual and reproductive health and rights mean to you (SRHR)

The creative works will be featured on the GYCA website, and may be used in campaigns and documents during the International Year of Youth and beyond, always giving credit to the artists. Winners will be announced on March 1 and a special GYCA newsletter will be distributed showcasing the top-rated submissions.
 The contest welcomes a variety of mediums. Contributors are encouraged to send digital versions of video, photographs, paintings, sculptures, multi-media works, and more. The various creative works must be connected to one of the topics, specifying which one is it. • Each participant can submit up to 3 pieces of work. One for each main theme. By submitting to the contest participants allow GYCA and their partners to use the work submitted for non-profit promotional activities. GYCA and it's agents will ensure that images/art/videos etc. will not be used for any profitable activity. The creative work submitted should be no older than 1 year old and the author must certify that he/she is the creator of the work he/she is submitting through a form that states they are not plagiarizing.  The selection of finalists will be done by a review panel of HIV activists and organizations who have partner with GYCA in the past.  The review panel will select the top 5 submissions on each of the 3 category. These finalists will be posted online for voting by the community to determine the winner on each category.  There will be a special page on GYCA’s website showcasing the pictures and art where people will be able to vote for their favorite submission.
The submissions with the most votes in each category will win a basket of prizes, potentially including a digital camera, cash or other digital-art related items. The 2nd and 3rd place in each category will also win a prize.
As will be indicated on the release forms artists agree when submitting their creative works, GYCA will share images with partner organizations to be used in future campaigns, documents, websites, etc.
By submitting to the contest, participants grant GYCA and it's partners non-exclusive, royalty-free license to copy, digitize, store, distribute, publish, display, stream, advertise, promote or otherwise use your artwork and their descriptions, in any media or format (including the Internet).
GYCA and it's partners reserve the rights, at their option, to publish any winner’s name, city of residence, photograph, statement regarding the contest, as well as publish or use any artwork submitted, for any purposes, without compensation. Personal information will be collected solely for the purposes of this contest and will not serve for any other purpose. By providing this information, the participants consent to its use for the purposes indicated.
GYCA and its partners assume no responsibility for entries that are incomplete, damaged, misdirected or delayed. By entering, participants agree to abide by the contest rules and the decisions of contest organizers, which are final.