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A blogging space about my personal interests; was made during training in Stockholm #Young Leaders Visitors Program #Ylvp08 it developed into a social bookmarking blog.

I studied #Architecture; interested in #Design #Art #Education #Urban Design #Digital-media #social-media #Inhabited-Environments #Contemporary-Cultures #experimentation #networking #sustainability & more =)

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p.s. sharing is usually out of interest not Blind praise.
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Showing posts with label #Lectures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Lectures. Show all posts

Sunday, September 7

Free Ways to Learn about #Architecture

Learning doesn't necessarily need to be formal – or expensive for that matter. Thanks to the Internet and some generous benefactors, you can further your education for free from the comfort of your own home. Top schools such as MIT and Harvard University are affiliated with free online learning resources, allowing people from all over the globe to connect and audit courses at their own pace. In some cases, these services even provide self-educators with proof for having completed courses. Keep reading after the break to check out our round-up of four free online learning resources.
In 2003, MIT officially launched OpenCourseWare – an online platform through which absolutely anyone can access the same course content as paying students – for free. The architecture section boasts over 100 undergraduate and graduate level courses, complete with downloadable lecture notes, assignments, reading lists, and in many cases, examples of past student work. Even though you won’t receive feedback from professors or certification for completing coursework, having free access to the oldest architecture department in the United States’ teachings is nevertheless an amazing resource. Below are two of the MIT OpenCourseWare architecture courses, described.
  • Architectural Construction and Computation is for students interested in how computers can facilitate design and construction. The course begins with a pre-prepared computer model, which is used for testing and investigating the construction process. The construction process is explored in terms of detail design and structural design, taking legal and computational issues into consideration.
  • Theory of City Form is one of the handful of architecture courses offered in audio and video format through MIT OpenCourseWare. The title is pretty self-explanatory – the course presents students with historical and modern theories of city form along with appropriate case studies, helping them build an understanding of urbanism and architecture for future educational and professional pursuits.
Just like MIT, TU Delft also has an OpenCourseWare platform – albeit less extensive. Even though the website does not have a designated architecture section, designers can still make use out of the prestigious school’s science and technical offerings. Available material for the majority of courses includes audio and video lecture recordings, readings, assignments, and practice exams.
  • Bio Inspired Design ”gives an overview of non-conventional mechanical approaches in nature and shows how this knowledge can lead to more creativity in mechanical design and to better solutions than with conventional technology. It discusses a large number of biological organisms with smart constructions, unusual mechanisms or clever sensing and processing methods and presents a number of technical examples and designs of bio-inspired instruments and machines.”
  • Wastewater Treatment looks at the development of wastewater treatment technologies and their application. “High-tech and low-tech systems, which are applicable in both industrialized and developing countries, are discussed.” Specific examination topics include technologies for nutrient removal and recovery, such as anaerobic treatment systems and membrane filtration techniques.
EdX, a non-profit online initiative founded by MIT and Harvard University, offers free interactive classes from some of the world’s top schools. If you decide to take a course, you can try for a certificate of achievement – or you can simply audit it, choosing what and how much you want to do. It’s up to you. A huge benefit is being able to connect with like-minded classmates all over the world using the website’s peer-to-peer social learning tools. In addition to categories like computer science, music, and economics, they have a dedicated architecture section. Two of their architecture courses, described below, are currently open to fall registration.
  • The Search for Vernacular Architecture of Asia ”is a comprehensive, dialogue-based course providing an in-depth exploration of the vernacular concept and its applications to the culture and built environments of the past, present, and future. Designed to promote discussion and dialogue while contributing to the discourse surrounding the concept of the vernacular, this five-week course will challenge the perception of tradition and stimulate a deeper analysis of one’s local environment.” As suggested in the title, the course will focus specifically on the vernacular in Asia.
  • “While the development of cities in different parts of the world is moving in diverse directions, all estimations show that cities worldwide will change and grow strongly in the coming years” – especially in the tropics, where “it is expected that the number of new urban residents will increase by 3 times the population of Europe today.” With a specific focus on Asia, Future Cities will explore design and management methods over the course of nine weeks to increase the sustainable performance of cities and therefore, their resiliency.
Open Online Academy, a platform similar to Edx, offers a more selective range of courses relating specifically to architecture, art, and design. Dr. Ivan Shumkov, the website’s founder and one of its educators, is a New York based architect, curator, and professor. He has taught at Harvard GSD, the Pratt Institute‘s School of Architecture, and Parsons The New School for Design – just to name a few. So far, Open Online Academy offers six courses, two of which are described below. Be sure to keep an eye out for when the platform expands in the fall to offer additional courses concerning leadership, negotiation, and management.
  • Contemporary Architecture analyzes “major contemporary architectural ideas, ideologies, and projects in the context of both globalization and specific local contexts” over an 8-week period. Students will study material from the 1990s onwards, submitting weekly assignments and sitting in on virtual classes and tours. After 27,000 people from across the globe participated in the course’s first iteration, it is being offered again starting June 30, 2014.
  • Designing Resilient Schools is taught by Shumkov, Arnold Rivera, and Illac Diaz, the man behind the Liter of Light project in the Phillippines, which won the Curry Stone Design Prize in 2012. The 8-week course focuses on designing resilient schools for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Phillippines on November 9th, 2013. At the end of the course, which is essentially an online version of a collaborative design studio, an international jury will select the best proposals for future implementation. The next iteration of the course starts on September 1, 2014.
The remaining four courses and their start dates are:
Whelan, Jennifer. "Four Ways to Learn About Architecture for Free" 16 Jun 2014. ArchDaily. Accessed 26 Aug 2014.

Monday, October 21

iversty | Courses

MOOCs at iversty

Design 101 (Design Basics) :: Abadir - Accademia di Belle Arti, Catania

Contemporary Architecture :: iversity

Monte Carlo methods in Finance :: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

The fascination of crystals and symmetry :: Universität Hamburg

Mathe-MOOC: Mathematisch denken :: Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg

The future of Storytelling :: Fachhochschule Potsdam

The European Union in Global Governance :: KU Leuven

Modelling and Simulation using MATLAB :: Hochschule RheinMain - University of Applied Sciences


Sectio Chirurgica - 'Anatomie interakiv' :: Universität Tübingen

Changemaker MOOC - social Entrepreneurship :: Universität Kiel

DNA from structure to Therapy :: Jacobs University Bremen

Internationales Agrarmanagement :: Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf

Web Engineering I :: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Web Engineering II :: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Grundlahen des Marketing :: Fachhochschule Lübeck

Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen :: Universität Osnabrück

Political Philosophy :: Universitá degli Studi di Firenze

Dark Matter in Galaxies : the last Mystery :: SISSA di Trieste

Einfuhrung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre :: RWTH Aachen

The DO School start-up Lab

Public Privacy :: Universiteit Utrecht

Vehicle Dynamic I :: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

Vehicle Dynamic II :: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg


Vehicle Dynamic III :: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

Einfuhrung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung :: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Saturday, October 19

Talks on the Higgs

This year the Nobel prize in Physics went to
François Englert & Peter W. Higgs For their Discovery and i quote Nobel Prize website
"for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider"

Following some videos and Lectures on the concept of the Higgs Boson



CrashCourse on HB

The Higgs Boson Explained at UCBerkeley

Published on Jul 16, 2012
On Friday July 13 at noon, faculty and other members of the Physics Department helped the campus community understand the significance of discovering the Higgs Boson, the particle that was predicted by Peter Higgs almost 50 years ago. Mark Richards, Executive Dean of the College of Letters & Sciences, will host this discussion for the Berkeley community.
Professors Beate Heinemann, an experimental physicist and a member of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in CERN, Switzerland, and Lawrence Hall, a theoretical physicist and former Director of the Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, explained what the Higgs is, why it was predicted and how it was proven to exist. They were joined by panel members Professor Marjorie Shapiro, also a member of the Atlas experiment, Miller Fellow Josh Ruderman and PhD student and ATLAS member Louise Skinnari

Critical Mass: How the Higgs Boson Discovery Swept the World

Published on Feb 14, 2013
Last summer, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, announced the discovery of a new particle that could explain why elementary particles have mass. On February 7, 2013, a panel of experts from the University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, and Fermilab discussed why this discovery marks the beginning of a new era in particle physics research.


The Hunt For Higgs

Published on Mar 3, 2012
Anticipation is building in the run-up to presentations of the best-yet evidence for - or against - the existence of the Higgs boson.
The famed particle is a missing link in current theories of physics, used to explain how things gains their mass.
Rumours have been swirling about the findings for weeks, ahead of the announcement on Tuesday afternoon.
It is likely to yield only tantalising hints, as the teams do not have enough data to claim a formal discovery.
However, most physicists concede that not finding the Higgs boson is as exciting a prospect as finding it in the place where existing theory predicts it should be.
"If we wouldn't find it it would be even - in a way - more exciting, but you know, both ways, it's a win-win situation," said Prof Stefan Soldner-Rembold, a particle physicist from the University of Manchester.
"[If] we find it, we know this theory's complete, but there's still more things to look for. If we don't find it, we know there must be something else which we haven't understood yet."
Field day
Finding the Higgs was a key goal for the $10bn (£6bn) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - a 27km (17-mile) circumference accelerator ring of superconducting magnets, designed to re-create the conditions just after the Big Bang in an attempt to answer fundamental questions of science and the Universe itself.
The collider hosts two experiments - Atlas and CMS - that are searching for the particle independentlyThere is intense excitement among physicists working at Cern, the Geneva-based organisation which operates the collider, over hints that the hunters have cornered their quarry.
"It is a fantastic time at the moment, you can feel people are enthusiastic," Dr Christoph Rembser, a senior scientist on the Atlas experiment, told BBC News. "It is really very lively."
Continue reading the main story
"Start Quote If the Universe really is like that, I find it really quite breathtaking and humbling that we can understand it"
Dr Tara Shears University of Liverpool, UK
Prof Soldner-Rembold called the quality of the LHC's results "exceptional", adding: "Within one year we will probably know whether the Higgs particle exists, but it is likely not going to be a Christmas present."
He told me: "The Higgs particle would, of course, be a great discovery, but it would be an even greater discovery if it didn't exist where theory predicts it to be."
The Higgs boson is a "fundamental" particle; one of the basic building blocks of the Universe. It is also the last missing piece in the leading theory of particle physics - known as the Standard Model - which describes how particles and forces interact.
The Higgs explains why other particles have mass. As the Universe cooled after the Big Bang, an invisible force known as the Higgs field formed together with its associated boson particle.
It is this field (and not the boson) that imparts mass to the fundamental particles that make up atoms. Without it, these particles would zip through the cosmos at the speed of light.



The significance of the Higgs Boson discovery - Dr. John Ellis - BOLDtalks 2013 

Published on Mar 31, 2013

Dr. Ellis, Maxwell Professor of theoretical physics at King's College London and Guest Professor at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), joins the BOLDtalks 2013 platform to explain the significance of the particle recently discovered at CERN (thought to be the long-sought Higgs Boson) and what its discovery means for the future of science and understanding the fabric of the Universe. Dr. Ellis is a world expert in the fields of particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology and quantum gravity.
In particle physics, there is a theory called the 'Standard Model' that explains that the universe is completely comprised of matter (fermions) and force (bosons).
However, more than 50 years ago Peter Higgs and five other theoretical physicists proposed that an invisible field lying across the Universe gives particles their mass, allowing them to clump together to form stars and planets.
This theory has been unproved, until July 2012, when scientists from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) have announced a breakthrough discovery of Higgs Boson, using the Large Hydron Collider (LHC) - the world's largest particle accelerator.
Dr. Ellis, Maxwell Professor of theoretical physics at King's College London and Guest Professor at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), presents at BOLDtalks 2013 the significance of the particle recently discovered at CERN (thought to be the long-sought Higgs Boson) and what its discovery means for the future of science and understanding the fabric of the Universe. Dr. Ellis is a world expert in the fields of particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology and quantum gravity.

Higgs Boson Discovery announcement by Peter Higgs

Published on Jul 4, 2012

4th of July 2012, this is the day the Higgs Boson was discovered by the human race. 
After 45 years of searching, Peter Higgs can now announce to the world how he has seen the culmination of his life's work finally blossom into a tangible result, a result which has brought an all too human emotion to this triumph.
Francois Englert, Carl Hagen and Gerald Guralnik are also present in this announcement, who created the theory along with the late Robert Brout. For this reason it could also be referred to as the HEB-Boson.
The Higgs field and resulting Higgs boson are a vital part of the Electroweak Interaction and the Standard Model of Particle Physics. In the absence of the Higgs field, when a Local Gauge is applied to the Lagrangian of the Electroweak Interaction we are left with force-carrying bosons that are massive, the W and Z Bosons with masses of ~80GeV and ~90GeV respectively. This would be okay for the Photon as it has no mass, but why are the W and Z Bosons massive?
The Higgs mechanism was the most favoured explanation for solving this problem.
In brief, the Higgs field is introduced to 'break' the symmetry of the Electroweak theory, which allows particles to have mass.
This Higgs mechanism is important as it not only explains how the heavy bosons become massive but also provides an explanation as to how the fermions come to have mass.
The Mechanism of the interaction is simple to understand. Where the Electroweak Interaction couples to electric and weak (or flavour) charges and the Strong Interaction couples to colour charge, the Higgs interaction couples to mass. The process by which the Higgs gives fermions mass is via the Yukawa potential. This potential gives the coupling strength of the Higgs to all types of fermions, the stronger the coupling, the more mass the particle will have. Hence the Higgs Boson couples more strongly to more massive particles, hence the energies of the LHC were necessary to create the most massive particles for the Higgs to couple with.
Why we needed this boson is a bit more complicated, which corresponds to Peter Higgs, Yoichiro Nambu and Jeffrey Goldstone's theoretical research.
In the Electroweak interaction you can examine the Lagrangian in a similar way to those for Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and also Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Starting with the Dirac Lagrangian, when a Local Gauge is applied the resulting Lagrangrian is not invariant under the transformation. The local gauge transformation applied to the Langrangian is dependent on the symmetry, for example for the weak force we use SU(2) symmetry as we want physics invariant under swapping up-like and down-like fermions.
When a Local Gauge Symmetry is applied to the Electroweak Lagrangian it does not remain invariant under the gauge transformation. This can be rectified by the introduction of appropriate fields, which have associated mass-less bosons W1, W2, W3 and B. The SU(2)xU(1) symmetry of the electroweak theory is non-abelian which means that the bosons interact with each other as well as with fermions.
The Electroweak theory needs to end up with three massive bosons (2 charged and 1 neutral) and also a mass-less boson. The Goldstone Theorem provides a mechanism by which the 4 mass-less bosons from the original symmetry can become the four Electroweak bosons described above. The Goldstone theorem states "that for any continuous symmetry broken, there exists a mass-less particle, the Goldstone boson." The result is that for each broken generator, there is a resulting mass-less scalar boson.
The Higgs mechanism is the process applied to Electroweak theory. A complex doublet Higgs field can be included in the theory and this Higgs field breaks the symmetry of the problem while retaining local gauge invariance. This Higgs field (two complex scalar fields which transform under the SU(2) symmetry) will, via the Goldstone Theorem, result in a scalar Higgs boson and 3 Goldstone bosons which will provide mass. The three Goldstone bosons interact with the original fields to provide mass for the W+, W- and Z bosons while leaving the fourth boson mass-less. This can be seen mathematically by looking at the changed form of the Electroweak Lagrangian due to the introduction of the Higgs fields.
There is a reason to believe that the Higgs Boson discovered is not the garden-variety Higgs that physicists were expecting. It's relatively low mass may place it in the Supersymmetric regime, and may be humanity's first probe into Supersymmetry. If the Boson was discovered to be a singlet it would also be the first fundamental singlet ever discovered, sparking new interest in finding the last piece of the singlet, vector, tensor boson puzzle: The Graviton, the force carrier for the gravitational force and the key ingredient in the Theory of Everything, "The Promised Land" of Physics that will explain how General Relativity works with Quantum Theory in a Grand Unified Force.

Higgs Boson Channel on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/HCHTf0TBvHqkQ HB

Saturday, September 8

Anothy Vidler's speaks on humanity

Humanity > The Architectural Review's lecture series.
The Royal College of Art

Michael Sorkin

Peter Buchanan

Michael Sorkin
1973/74 - Consultant of the Curator of Design at the Museum of Modern Art, New York 
1977 - Graduates from Harvard University Department of Fine Arts with a degree in Architecture
1977 - Opens Michael Sorkin Studio in New York 
1978/80 - Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia University, New York
1980 - Teaches at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies, New York
1983 - Adjunct Associate Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
1983 - Visiting Critic at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas
1984/85 - Visiting Critic at Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut), University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) 
1987 - Manufacturers Hanover/Art World Award for Distinguished Newspaper Art Criticism
1987 - National Endowment for the Arts Scholarship, Washington1988 - AIA Center for Architecture Scholarship, New York
1988/90 - Visiting Professor at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles
1990 - Davenport Chair at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
1990/91 - Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, New York
1991 - Progressive Architecture Design Award
1992 - Hyde Chair at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
1993 - Professor of Urbanism and Director of the Institute of Urbanism, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
1994 - Visiting Critic at Carleton University, Ottawa
1994 - "World War II and the American Dream" exhibition at the National Building Museum, Washington
1995/96 - I.D. Design Award
1995/96 - "Urbanagrams. Urban design projects of Michael Sorkin Studio" exhibition at Harvard University (Cambridge) and Cornell University (Day Hall Lobby, Ithaca) 
1995 - Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1995 - "Subjects & Objects" exhibition at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
1996 - Visiting Professor at Columbia University, New York
1997 - Visiting Professor at Parsons School of Design, New York
1997 - Gensier Family Chair at Cornell University, Day Hall Lobby, Ithaca
1998 - Visiting Professor at Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus, Denmark

1990 - Tracked Houses, New York
1990/92 - Godzilla, multipurpose skyscraper, Tokyo, Japan
1991 - Housing development, New York
1991 - Sheep Soho, loft housing, New York 
1991 - Beached Houses, Whitehouse, Jamaica
1994 - Weed AZ, plan for a new city, Yuma, Arizona 
1994 - Shrooms lofts, New York 
1994 - Brooklyn Waterfront masterplan, New York 
1994 - Mondo Condo, Miami, Florida
1994 - Shoehaus residences, Vienna, Austria 
1994 - Spa Tokaj, urban plan, Budapest, Hungary
1995 - Südraum Leipzig, plan for redevelopment of an industrial zone, Leipzig, Germany
1995/96 - East New York, urban planning proposal, Brooklyn, New York
1996 - Beachfront Resort, Palau, Philippines
1996 - Visselhoevede Town Plan, Visselhoevede, Germany
1996 - Neurasia, masterplan, Hong Kong 
1997 - Bay City Studies, masterplan, San Francisco 
1997 - Chavez Ravine, public park, Los Angeles 1997 - Floating Islands, Hamburg, Germany 
1997 - Friedrichshof Commune, Burgenland, Austria
1998 - Masterplan for Hamburg, Germany
1998 - EuRomania, shopping centre, Bucharest, Romania
1998 - University of Chicago Master Plan, Chicago, Illinois
1998 - Columbus Circle Study, renovation of a subway station, New York 
1998 - Farafrah Master Plan, Farafrah, Egypt
1999 - East Jerusalem, urban plan, Jerusalem
1999 - Masterplan for Schwerin, Germany
2001 - Lower Manhattan Masterplan, New York 
2001 - Kowloon, Masterplan, Hong Kong
2002 - Osaka Masterplan, Osaka, Japan
2003 - Cleveland Waterfront, Cleveland, Ohio 
2003 - Rochdale, Masterplan, England
2004 - Queens Plaza, New York 

- Penang Turf Club Masterplan, Penang, Malaysia (currently being implemented) 
- Waterfronts Current City College of New York Campus Masterplan, New York (currently being implemented)